Dignity for all!
795 Millionen Menschen auf der Welt haben nicht genug zu essen!
Turn the spotlight on the problems. Theatre For The People!
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Sichtbarkeit von Armut und Ausgrenzung in der S-Bahn.
Stop Spielothek!
Armut! Trotz guter Wirtschaftslage und Reichtum gelten viele Menschen in Deutschland als arm!
Oben und unten. Die Grenze zwischen Arm und Reuich verläuft nicht nur zwischen Nord und Süd, sondern auch zwischen Oben und Unten!
More than four million women and girls are trafficked into the sex industry annually, according to the United Nations.
Heroin! This shit appeared again! Hands off!
casino 36...The state aid cuts for the poor - To solve problems sends the police.
Nach Auskunft der Bundesregierung ist die Zahl der Wohnungslosen in Deutschland auf rund 335.000 gestiegen - ein Plus von 35 Prozent.
How is it possible to imprison an animal? Close the zoo! Open these cages and we will have fun seeing how angry the bear become!
the day after
Tourists do not deign even a look for this homeless. Worldwide estimated 100 million people are homeless!
Where is the man!? Alcoholism is a big problem.
Spielhallen sind ein Zeichen des Niedergangs. In Berlin dominieren sie ganze Viertel.
armut trotz reichtum
The world's eight richest billionaires control the same wealth between them as the poorest half of the globe’s population!!
Social exclusion. Stop it! help them!!
Armut neben dem Shopping Center: Potsdamer Platz Berlin
Teach me what I see
We see the result of financial capitalism! The capitalism's periodic crises always increase poverty, and the current crisis is no exception!
Social exclusion has become normal! Total outrage ! !
Strengthening the civic society in order to create increased social capital restricting access to alcohol.
Unequal society. Ours is a selfish society. No one is interested in helping the weakest!!
We need more solidarity! No one is interested in helping the weakest!
Don't Huff, Don't Puff. Keep away from that stuff! Drogenhändler werden immer reicher, junge Abhängige verrotten...
Berlin is just a myth of prosperity and freedom? That is not true! You find exploitation and misery here too!
Don't Huff, Don't Puff. Keep away from that stuff!
In 2014, there were 122 million people in the EU-28, equivalent to 24.5 % of the entire population, who lived in households facing poverty.
I have seen so many homeless people in Berlin! It is not true that in Germany everything is all right!
"He may be standing there beside you listening".